Since 2006, Kevin has been an attorney at (the legal predecessor of) ITL Attorneys Netherlands. In 2014 he founded the first office outside the Netherlands in Poland. Kevin joined the firm as a partner in 2019, after which he became the owner in 2022, together with Michelle Vrolijk and Christian Hofman.
At ITL Attorneys, Kevin works for transport companies all around Europe that are faced with roadside and inter-company inspections. In addition to challenging fines, he helps these companies optimize their business processes through risk assessments, audits and policy plans. Kevin has a great deal of knowledge of criminal and administrative law and uses this knowledge in a very pragmatic manner.
Kevin is a regular columnist forNieuwsblad Transport and regularly gives lectures on the latest developments inthe logistics sector.
Pursuant to Article 35b, first paragraph, of the Legal Profession Regulations (Regeling op de Advocatuur), Kevin Vierhout is registered in the register of legal areas (rechtsgebiedenregister) of the Dutch Bar Association in the following main (and sub) legal areas:
1. General practice
- Civil law
- Criminal law
- Administrative law
On the basis of this registration, the lawyer is obliged to obtain ten training points every calendar year in each registered main legal area in accordance with the standards of the Dutch Bar Association.