Road and company inspection

Road & company inspection

There are few sectors as heavily and frequently monitored and controlled as transport and logistics.

The sector is subject to a whole host of highly specialized legislation, ranging from driving and rest periods, to cargo security, to cabotage and licensing rules. The number of roadside checks is steadily increasing, subjecting both the means of transport, the cargo and the driver to the most scrupulous checks. Not infrequently, vehicles are seized or heavy payments demanded in the process. The liability of the shipper and principal  is also actively investigated. In addition, the European regulator also requires national control authorities to conduct company inspections, the impact of which can be very heavy, both in terms of the inspection itself and its consequences.

With the introduction of the measures resulting from the Mobility Package, the number of road and company inspections will further increase. The expanded powers of inspectors in road inspections and the ERRU reliability system (European criminal record for transport companies) will also be used as a selection tool for conducting more road and company inspections.

Assistance during inspections and defense against their consequences is in the core DNA of ITL Attorneys. In addition, ITL Attorneys can also assist you preventively, by conducting preliminary audits, explaining the correct regulations and legislation, providing appropriate documentation or, in cooperation with third parties, providing complete solutions.

Whatever your need, the attorneys at ITL Attorneys will assist you at every stage of the inspection process.


Frederik Vanden Bogaerde
Kevin Vierhout
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