Minimum wage & working conditions
At ITL Attorneys we understand the complexities surrounding administrative labour lawsand its implications on your business in the transportation or logistics sector. Employers need to comply with regulations such as the Minimum Wage Act, the Working Hours Act, the Working Conditions Act and the Foreign Nationals Employment Act. Especially when it comes to international mobility and the posting of workers, a significant challenge that employers often encounter is the complexity of understanding and complying with the multitude of these acts and regulations across different European countries. With each country having its own legal framework governing mobility and labour, staying in compliance can be anarduous task.
To overcome these obstacles, it is essential for businesses to seek expert advice and rely on specialized legal counsel with comprehensive knowledge of the legislation in each relevant country. Our team of professionals will conduct a comprehensive review of your existing employment policies, contracts, and practices to ensure compliance with local and international minimum wage laws and working condition regulations. In case of penalties imposed on companies by the government for non-compliance with the Minimum Wage Act or other legalworking conditions, our attorneys provide sound advice and represent your interests through negotiation or the litigation processes.